What does a cataract look like? |
When you finish the quiz, work on your Dangling Modifiers with Exercise 2 here.
- What is your vibe on Don Elias?
- Why does Juana hate the owl? What does it symbolize?
- What do you gather about Ama's past from her interactions with Abuelita Elena and Don Elias?
- Other questions/thoughts/theories?
- It should be the responsibility of the oldest child to care for the younger siblings when the parents are working.
- My parents have sacrificed something to give me a better life.
- I can't sleep when I have unfinished or unresolved business in my life.
- There are some mistakes that cannot be redeemed.
- I would do anything for my family in a time of desperation.
- Read pgs. 46-86 Continue adding events to the timelines.
- Journal 14: Record at least three questions you have from the reading.
- WATCH OUT! That nasty paragraph I warned you about is at the end of the last chapter (around page 85).