Tuesday 4/1 ~ EQ: Do you have your ten notecards filled out!

April Fools! You only need blank cards.

Today we learn how to organize your notes into cards. See the examples below.

Lines Side
Organize your cards by THEME.

This one is all about MONEY.

Each number corresponds with its matching website on the reverse.

Blank Side
Money is the THEME that these arguments apply to.

The numbered websites correspond the the numbered notes on the other side.

*It is important to keep track of your sources just in case your opponents ask you to prove the information isn't made up.

What kind of Evidence do I put on my card?
  • Facts/Statistics
  • Quotes
  • Cause/Effect
  • Anecdotes (short stories)
  • Opinion (from experts or general)
  • Hypothetical examples
  • Comparisons 

In class, research with your partner. Make as many cards as you can. Do not repeat any information. Instead, split the THE/MES between the two of you. Work together to form a well rounded argument with many angles.

HW: 10 cards (at least 3 points each) are due on Block Day. You definitely may want more cards before your debate, but this will be a good start. 

Monday 3/31 ~ How would you score if this were your SAT prompt?

Due: Printed Article (5pts.) + THEMES Chart filled out about your article (10pts.).

English Benchmark ~ A Timed Essay 

  • Write a 3-5 paragraph essay.
  • Include a thesis in the first paragraph.
  • Organize your arguments into body paragraphs.
  • Use your ID number rather than your name (I am not the only teacher who will read this).

2013, SAT Prompt 3

Background Info: Aiming advertisements for products directly at teenagers is a practice that occurs on television, in magazines, and on the Internet. These advertisements may help prepare young people for adulthood, as teenagers gain experience in evaluating and selecting from among the many options in our complex consumer society. Many critics, however, argue that teenagers are especially vulnerable to misleading claims of the advertising industry; moreover, they argue that advertisements often promote values harmful to young people.  

Writing Prompt: Are advertisements harmful to teenagers? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. 

After you finish....

  • You may view your Persuasion Quiz feedback. You may reattempt the quiz for an averaged score. Open notes.
  • THIS QUIZ WILL CLOSE ON WEDNESDAY. Get your corrects done!
HW: If you can, bring note cards to school tomorrow!

Block Day 3/27-28 ~ What are the 6 T.H.E.M.E.S. in debate?

First, take the quiz on Focus called "Persuasion Quiz."
*After you finish the quiz, upload the worksheet called THEMES from focus and read the article there.

THEMES is an acronym for the 6 areas you can use to look for arguments. By knowing these 6 areas, you will make sure that you have thoroughly searched for all the possible angles of an issue. See worksheet called THEMES on Focus.

Time     Does it save people time?
Health      Does it allow people to be physically or mentally healthier?
Education    Does it enable people to become better educated?
Money             Does it save people money?
Environment      Does it help the environment (physical or social)?
Safety                  Does it keep people safer?

Use the THEMES Worksheet to analyze the article for each "angle" or topic.

Independent Practice: Chose an article of your choice from Upfront Magazine. Copy and paste the link below for a list of similarly structured articles. Analyze this article as modeled in class by filling out the second half of the THEMES Worksheet.


HW: Complete ALL of the THEMES Worksheet. 

Wednesday 3/ 26 ~ What topic will you debate?

Present Commercials/skits.
*What are your two methods of persuasion?
*What logical fallacy did you use?

Choose your debate topics.

Tuesday 3/25 ~ Have you mastered the 3 methods and 16 fallacies of persuasion?

First, upload your commercial link from yesterday's class here. (10 pts.)

Today's Assignment:
  1. First, choose a partner.
  2. You and your partner have a choice. You may either stage an argument as a skit in front of the class OR you may create a commercial
  3. Either way, you're topic of choice must be cleared with Mrs. West.
  4. Your product must have at least TWO of the three types of persuasion (Ethos, Logos, Pathos).
  5. Your product must have at least ONE logical fallacy.
Tomorrow, you will perform or play your product. The audience will guess what logical fallacies you have used.

Your grade will depend on the clarity of your methods and fallacies. (25 pts.)

Monday 3/24 ~ EQ: What is a Logical Fallacy?

Today we will add to your Debate notes in preparation for a quiz.
As we watch, record each type of Logical Fallacy with a definition + an example.

Please cover the terms from each video below: 
  • Logical Fallacy - an error in argument that makes something seem convincing even if it is not true. (These errors may be used purposefully or accidentally.)
  • Rhetoric - the art of using language effectively and persuasively.
  • Ad Hominem - 
  • Band Wagon -
  • Argument from Antiquity - 
  • All - Natural -
  • From Authority -
  • Appeal to Quantum Physics -
Video TWO.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z71w-rHkeSk
  • Weasel Words -
  •  Strong Man Argument - 
  • Loaded Question -
  • Poison the Well -
  • Proof by Verbosity -
Video THREE.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmRCpqO_1JA
  • Excluded Middle -
  • Red Herring - 
  • Special Pleading - 
  • Non-Sequiter - 
  • Argument from Ignorance -
Now view examples of logical fallacies in these commercials. Click here.
HW: Find a commercial that you believe displays one of these logical fallacies. Bring the link to class tomorrow and be prepared to show it to the class and explain how it displays a logical fallacy. (10 pts.)
NOTE: All commercials must be APPROPRIATE for school. If you wouldn't show it to your grandma...don't bring it here!

Block Day 3/20-21 ~ EQ: Can you recognize persuasion methods in advertisements?

Warm-up: View the commercials and discuss E, L & P in each.
 Click here for the commercial play list.

See the review and assignment here:

ClassWork: Advertisement Practice
Practice analyzing the ads with nine magazine ads from the folders. Then find your own ad from the internet and present it with your analysis to the class.

Upload your analysis for all ten magazine ads, including your image, to Focus under "Advertisement Practice." 

If time: Brainstorm arguments for a hot topic of your choice.   

Tuesday 3/18 ~ EQ: What are the three essential parts of pursuasion?

Warm-up: Please open a new Notability document and title it Debate/Persuasion. Then find three images on line to represent three concepts - Authority - Logic - Emotion.

Take Notes: As we read the article, take notes under each image.
  • Definitions (Ethos, Logos & Pathos)
  • Examples
  • Answer section questions
Assignment: Upload your answer for one question from each section (your choice of which one).
Please copy and paste these three short answers into the assignment called "Ethos Logos Pathos" on Focus. 

Monday 3/17 ~ Happy St. Patrick's Day!

1. Finish up presentations
2. Debate Topics Review & Papers back

  • Read over topics and discuss with a partner which will be most interesting.
  • Add any topic ideas you have.
  • Using you period number, mark your top 5.

3. New Seats!

Wednesday & Thursday

Final Project Presentations!

Tuesday 3/11 ~ Are you ready for your final project?

1. Mrs. West does her final project.
    *Look for ways to incorporate themes from the book with our lives.
    *Examine Rubric for a last example before you print yours.

2. Pair Share ~ Share you project with a partner. Talk through everything you will bring and do.

Project is DUE Block Day! Bring your rubric printed and art card if it applies.

Monday 3/10 ~ How can you see a theme develop over the course of the novel?

  • Is your rubric finished? (10 pts.)
  • Are you ready for your project conference with me? 
  • Do you know what you need to do/get/bring for your project on block day?
  • Do you know that the schedule is different from the usual block day (reversed)?

You will be working in small groups while I conference with individuals about projects. 

1. Upload the document called "Track THE MEssage" from Focus.
2. Create groups of 1-3 people. Solo is okay. Four is not.
3. Follow the worksheet and fill it out as completely as possible.
4. At the end of the period, make sure you have recorded all group members at the top of the first page and have ONE person email me your finished document.
5. Be prepared to explain your diagram to the class tomorrow.

NOTE: There is no single right answer for the plot diagram. The only way to get the "right answer" is to be able to defend HOW the theme is introduced, developed and resolved through the course of the novel.

Block Day 3/6-7 ~ EQ: Is the ending complete?

1. Work on Rubric
2. Finish reading the last pages of the book & discuss.
3. Take 100 Mountains Quiz 3.
4. When you finish the quiz, write one last literature log about the conclusion of the novel. This log should be a bit longer and more thoughtful since it is the last.

Some questions to consider:
*Is the ending complete in your mind? Why or what is missing to you?
*What is the full meaning of the moon, considering the quote on page 255?
*What do you believe is the main theme in the book? (You do NOT have to choose from the 11 common themes).
*What impact has this book had on you?
*If the goal is NOT to judge the book as good/bad, then what is the point of reading literature like this?

HW: Lit Log 4 (20 pts.) & a completed Rough Draft of your Project Rubric

Wednesday 3/5 ~ EQ: How has the meaning of the moon motif changed?

EQ: How has the meaning of the moon motif changed?

"The moon was like a bright peso cut in half. Farther up ahead on a hill, 
Juana could see little red lights shining in the darkness. Like evil eyes 
looking down at her" (211).

Reading: Read to the end of the book if possible.

HW: Finish all Part 3 Hand Out questions. Quiz Next Time

Ticket Out: Write two possible quiz questions/answers. Post them here.

Tuesday 3/4 ~ EQ: Can you identify theme?

EQ: Can you identify theme?
 Which Common Theme does each example fall into?
  1. Even though the man named Miguel Garcia and Juana never actually knew each other, both had hopes and needs to find long lost family.
  2. Despite the pain of physical death, it often makes way when new life emerges. It is the same with Juana as she dies a symbolic death and reemerges as Adelina.
  3. Juana is a perfect example of this theme as she goes to the U.S. completely alone and overcomes all odds to learn English, go to college and stabilizes her life. 
  4. This theme is very evident when Juana can feel that she is near her brother, even though she doesn't understand that feeling or even know who he is. 
  5. Juana sacrifices everything in hopes that she will be able to bring back the truth that her father did NOT abandon her and her mother. 
  6. Juana faces many internal struggles as she finds that her future is on hold until her past is dealt with. 
  7. At the party for Sebastian Luna's mother, Juana struggles with the idea that society says a person like him from a family like his should never date a girl like her. She feels obligated to be something for him that she knows she is not. 
  8. Adelina wins Juana's trust by coming back for her at the police station a day later, and giving her a place to stay when Juana had nothing. 
  9. Even though it seems that many injustices ensue, Don Elias does eventually pay for his crime with his life. 
  10. No matter how mislead or strange her methods, Ama works very hard to make herself pleasing to God after her horrible experiences/choices.

Continue to apply these themes as you read the novel in class today.

Monday 3/3 ~ EQ: What is theme and how does Grande show hers?

Good Morning!

1. Post your Project Choice here. (5 pts.)
2. Go to Focus and get the Themes Worksheet.
3. Fill the worksheet out as we watch the youtube video.
    * How are these themes seen in our novel?
    * Which of these themes will be useful to you in your project?
4. Read if time.