Tuesday, 2/9 ~ Oh Yeah! I Remember How to Annotate!

West's class: Research Question is due today!


  • Take notes from Bedford (click on it from the link on te side of the blog). Then click on the Punctuation section. Take notes on how to use the COMMA from 32a & e.

EQ: How do I write an annotation?  
The purpose of the annotation paragraph is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited -- in short -- you are asked to comment on and/or explain why each source cited is useful. An annotation should be 100-150 words.
  • WHO -- Who wrote it and why does this person have authority on the topic?
  • WHAT -- What did it say? Summarize & comment on the article; compare or contrast this work with another you have cited -- does it agree or disagree? 
  • WHY -- Explain why you think this article is a good addition to your research.  Also, comment on the intended audience -- who was the intended audience and most importantly why was it written.
Journal ?
Copy this paragraph and work on the ordering of the sentences. What order should these sentences go in?
1. Krikorian says that he doesn't agree with immigrants “becoming an American just by them saying the oath of citizenship.” He believes that they should earn the right to serve in the armed forces by first forming their relationship with the United States.
2. The major question posed in this article is how people can expect illegal immigrants to fight for a country that is not theirs.
3. Author, Mark Krikorian is a nationally recognized expert on immigration issues and Krikorian has been the Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) since 1995.
4. More than 37,000 of green-card holders serve in the military account for about 3% of active-duty soldiers.

5. Krikorian states that they should avoid developing a mercenary army that is made up of illegal immigrants that are loyal to their countries. 

Let's read the articleMore Mexican Immigrants Leaving US than Entering, Report Finds  

Following the 3 W's, "who-what-why", try your hand at annotating.

HMWK: Do it again 1 more time! Here's another article,
American Children, Now Struggling to Adjust to Life in Mexico  
Go ahead annotate.......include all  3W's in your annotation.
Annotate on paper and be ready to share your annotation with a buddy tomorrow in class. 

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