Monday 11/9/15 ~ Short Story #3: "The Masque of the Red Death" & Allegory

  • magn - great
  • man - hand
  • mand - command


  • Go over Fish Cheeks questions.
  • Now look over your thesis notes. Write a basic thesis to answer this question: What was the lesson that Tan was not able to understand until years later?
LIT NOTES ~ Add these definitions to your journals section.

SHORT STORY #3 "The Masque of the Red Death "
                                  by Edgar Allan Poe
  • EQ: What is allegory?
  • Who was Poe? What other works from Poe have you read?
Journal 27: 
1. Using the SAT vocab list, write a sentence using at least four words (see list below).
2. The rich and powerful might build walls around their sprawling estates to block out the upsetting parts of life. What realities of life must people face no matter who they are?
3. What is the Black Death?
4. Consider the Allegory feature. Define as many symbols as you can, bullet-point style. What is the "story below the surface"?

SAT Vocab from Masque
1. profuse - plentiful
2. sagacious - wise
3. contagion - the spreading of disease
4. imperial - majestic
5. emanating - coming forth
6. sedate - calm; quiet
7. pervaded - spread throughout
8. cessation - ceasing or stopping
9. propriety - quality of being proper
10. tangible - something that can be touched

Sit back, follow along and be prepared to explain Poe's intended effect in this story. 

HW: Finish Journal 27

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