Tuesday 3/4 ~ EQ: Can you identify theme?

EQ: Can you identify theme?
 Which Common Theme does each example fall into?
  1. Even though the man named Miguel Garcia and Juana never actually knew each other, both had hopes and needs to find long lost family.
  2. Despite the pain of physical death, it often makes way when new life emerges. It is the same with Juana as she dies a symbolic death and reemerges as Adelina.
  3. Juana is a perfect example of this theme as she goes to the U.S. completely alone and overcomes all odds to learn English, go to college and stabilizes her life. 
  4. This theme is very evident when Juana can feel that she is near her brother, even though she doesn't understand that feeling or even know who he is. 
  5. Juana sacrifices everything in hopes that she will be able to bring back the truth that her father did NOT abandon her and her mother. 
  6. Juana faces many internal struggles as she finds that her future is on hold until her past is dealt with. 
  7. At the party for Sebastian Luna's mother, Juana struggles with the idea that society says a person like him from a family like his should never date a girl like her. She feels obligated to be something for him that she knows she is not. 
  8. Adelina wins Juana's trust by coming back for her at the police station a day later, and giving her a place to stay when Juana had nothing. 
  9. Even though it seems that many injustices ensue, Don Elias does eventually pay for his crime with his life. 
  10. No matter how mislead or strange her methods, Ama works very hard to make herself pleasing to God after her horrible experiences/choices.

Continue to apply these themes as you read the novel in class today.