Week of Feb.5-8 ~ Change of plans...

Dearest Students,

It looks like I'll be in Oklahoma for the week. Pray for my family if you think of me. Please show a sweet atmosphere of honor and kindness to any substitute you have. Represent us well!

Since I am not there to teach you the Villanelle form, we will have to "eat the desert first" in this case. We will resume the Villanelle business next week. For now, please help our sub to find a special movie on this poetic topic. It is called Dead Poets Society. Second period, you will have to help find it in the book case there in the back of the room. This one is a classic and beloved by all.

Over the next few days, make sure you begin with "If" for ten minutes or so and then view the movie.

We will test on the whole "If" poem on Wednesday of next week. Perhaps some of you can get creative in making up signs for the last stanza? Maybe some of you would like to take turns leading it in the front?

As you view the movie over the next three days, work through the questions below to make sure you catch everything. Journal 16 will be worth 20 points and is due on Monday, Feb. 11.

Journal 16
Begin by jotting down a couple of notes to keep the characters straight. The main ones are...
Neil Perry
Todd Anderson
Charlie Dalton
Gerald Pitts
Richard Cameron
John Keating
Knox Overstreet
Steven Meeks
Dean Nolan

1. What are the four pillars of Welton Academy?
2. Which pillars do the administration lean on and why?
3. Notice the short scene with the flock of birds. What might this symbolize?
4. What do the Latin words carpe diem mean?
5. What is the point of Mr. Keating's first class with the boys?
6. According to Mr. Keating, why read poetry? Why does he have them rip pages out of their books?
7. "You may contribute a verse." What does this mean?
8. What was the Dead Poets Society and what did they do?
9. What is the symbolism in the scene where the boys go to the cave?
10. Is Charlie too daring?  Why or why not?
11. Is Mr. Keating a bad influence?  Why or why not?
12. Would Neil still do what he did if Mr. Keating never came into his life? Why or why not?
13. Why didn’t Todd act the same way as Neil in the end?
14. Who was really the bravest of Keating's boys? Why?
15. In the initial screenplay, Todd specifically does not sign the paper at the end. In the movie, we are not told one way or the other. Did Todd sign it or not?  Why do you think this way?
16. Dead Poets Society: The Next Day... What happens next? What does the future hold for Keating and the boys?

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