Wednesday, August 17 ~ Numbered Heads

Hobbit Annotation Check ~ It's down to the final 6!

Reminder ~ Hobbit quiz and In Class Essay are Thursday and Friday. (8/18 and 8/19)
FYI: you may use a hard copy for the writing, not the quiz.

Today: Hobbit discussion

According to the letter from Thorin (28), what are the risks, benefits of taking this adventure?

What does Bilbo forget to take with him? What is Tolkien showing you by including this?

What are Bilbo's strengths & weaknesses? What does he need to learn to be a hero?

Describe Elrond and his leadership.

Why do you think Tolkien goes into such vivid description of the countryside?

Share the light/dark images you've found.
How does the setting reflect Bilbo's personality?

Consider Gollum: How does he embody evil? What was he like before finding the ring? Describe Gollum’s corruption through its power. Find a passage that explains the transformation.

Part of being a hero is maintaining the value of fair play. Do you believe Bilbo practices fair play with Gollum?

Do you see similarities between Bilbo and Gollum? Explain.

Tolkien is a very creative writer, especially with descriptions and changing voices. Choose a passage or two that you deem as very cleverly written.

In the end, Gandalf makes the comment: "You don't really suppose, do you, that all your adventures and escapes were managed by mere luck, just for your sole benefit?" (305). Do you agree with Bilbo or with Gandalf? If "mere luck" is not responsible for Bilbo's success, what is?

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