Monday March 2 ~ Peer Edit for MSND Essay

EQ: How can I score higher on the SAT rubric? 


Today you will go through several rounds of peer editing, with a new person's essay for each round. Please fix punctuation errors when you see them during any round! Follow these directions below:

BIG PICTURE EDITS - Pass to the right!

  • First, move your text to Notability so that students can highlight it.
  • ROUND 1: Find and highlight the THESIS in GREEN. (Add a note in parenthesis if you can see a better way to write it, especially if the three topics for body paragraphs are not mentioned.)
  • ROUND 2: Find and highlight the three TOPIC SENTENCES in GREEN. (Add a note in parenthesis for feedback.)
  • ROUND 3: Find and highlight all DIRECT and INDIRECT QUOTATIONS in YELLOW. (Make sure each one has a correctly written reference to Shakespeare - see board. Also check and fix the punctuation, especially commas. Lastly, check to see that these quotes actually make sense when you consider what they are being used to prove. Do they actually prove the topic sentences and the thesis? Make a note in RED LETTERS if you have feedback about the quote choice. )
  • ROUND 4: Find and highlight all INTRODUCTION TO EVIDENCE words in BLUE ....these are the words the writer has added to give the reader the needed context to understand the quote/evidence.
  • ROUND 5: First read all of the green parts. Then, find all DISCUSSION words and read them. Do these words work to prove the topic sentences AND the thesis? Add notes in RED LETTERS if you can help the writer to improve their Discussion (aka commentary). This is the most important part of the essay. 
  • Return the essay to the writer...Take 10 minutes to fix errors. Then please copy the text back to Pages, removing any highlights or unneeded notes. 
DETAIL EDITS - Pass to the left!
  • ROUND 6: Read through the whole essay. UNDERLINE any sentences that don't make sense or that could be structured in a better way.
  • ROUND 7: Read through the whole essay. BOLD any words or phrases that could be replaced with more meaningful ones. (Write the better word choice after the bolded part in parenthesis.)
  • ROUND 8: Check the MLA format and fix any errors. Return essay to writer.
  • Complete edits of your essay and print out a hard copy to turn in tomorrow during class. 
  • Bring Headphone tomorrow.