Tuesday, Feb 3 ~ Act III


  • nomy - law
  • oid - resembling
  • Finish Reading Act III, Scene ii (part 1)

Midpoint Project: Your Turn!
  • It's time to change it up a bit. In truth, Shakespeare was meant to be acted out. In Shakespeare's day, his plays were easily understood by the people. We need to experience it the way it was meant to be enjoyed. So.... it's now your turn to translate a scene. You will be split into small groups by your teacher. You will work with your group to...
  • Translate all of the lines of your given character.
  • Come up with props for your character.
  • Choose one person in your group to perform as your character with the class.
  • Work with other groups to put your lines together to create a mini-play of Act III, Scene 2 (part 2).
  • Finish reading Act III, Scene ii (part 2) and translate your lines.