Block Day, Feb.18-19 ~ Act V Translated by you

  • Finish Notes
  • Quotations Exercise 2: In the following sentences put in quotation marks wherever they are needed, and underline words where italics are needed.
  1. Flannery O'Connor probably got the title of one of her stories from the words of the old popular song, A Good Man Is Hard to Find.
  2. When did Roosevelt say, We have nothing to fear but fear itself?
  3. Yesterday, John said, This afternoon I'll bring back your book Conflict in the Middle East; however, he did not return it.
  4. Can you believe, Dot asked me, that it has been almost five years since we've seen each other?
  5. A Perfect Day for Bananafish is, I believe, J. D. Salinger's best short story.
  6. Certainly, Mr. Martin said, I shall explain the whole situation to him. I know that he will understand.

  • Continue translating Act V
  • Finish the movie.
  • Make sure all of Act V is translated and complete.