Wednesday, Sept.17 ~ The Hobbit Ch. 4 Goblins

  • grad, gress - step, go
  • grat - pleasing
  • grav -heavy, weighty

  • Know sooner did Tom sea Balin come into the lite then he gives an awful howl, trolls simply detest the very site of dwarves (uncooked). (Tolkien. 36)

DISCUSS: Numbered Heads Style
  1. Why does Bilbo want to hear the elves' opinion of their adventure to the Mountain?
  2. Describe Elrond and his leadership.
  3. Why do you think Tolkien goes into such vivid description of the countryside?
  4. What hints from the story tell you that this tale is a story about good and evil?
  5. Describe Durin's Day and what it symbolizes?
  6. Share the light/dark images you've found.

HW: Read Ch. 4 and do Journal 5

*Journal 5: Many critics believe Tolkien’s writing reflects his personal dislike for technology. Briefly list the characteristics of goblins; explain how they use the technology they have for evil purposes.