- What I say, said Bilbo gasping. And please dont cook me, kind sirs! I am a good cook myself and cook better than I cook, if your see what I meen I'll cook butifully for you, a perfectly beautiful brekfast for you, if only you wont have me for super (Tolkien 35).
Motif: One of the key ideas or literary devices which supports the main THEME of a literary work. It may consist of a character, a recurrent image or verbal pattern.
*What recurring, even symbolic images do you see so far in our book?
Slapstick Humor: Low-level comedy in which humor depends almost entirely on physical actions and sight gags. The antics of the three stooges and the modern fourth stooge, Adam Sandler, often fall into this category.
*Please cite a couple of examples of slapstick humor from Ch. 2.
- According to the letter from Thorin (28), what are the risks, benefits of taking this adventure?
- What does Bilbo forget to take with him? What is Tolkien showing you by including this?
- Thorin makes Bilbo approach the trolls. Is this fair? smart?
- Right now, what are Bilbo's strengths & weaknesses? What does he need to learn to be a hero?
- Why do you think Gandalf left them? Why didn't he kill the trolls?
- Apply the Hero's Journey so far; what steps have been fulfilled?
HW: Read Ch.3 & do Journal 4
*Outlining: As your read on, make sure to mark any references to dark or light (our motif).
*Journal 4: What is the legend about moon-letters? What riddle do they reveal to Elrond? What is Durin's Day?