Tuesday 5/6 ~ How can the art of poetry fuel a movement?

Warm-up Discussion: Watch the video "Knock, Knock" by Daniel Beaty

*What makes this slam such an incredible presentation? 
*How can the art of poetry fuel a movement against oppression?   

Note: Please bring your highlights of the G.O.S.P.E.L. lyrics tomorrow. We will grade them in class.

Today, we will explore the way poets in recent history have influenced the U.S. You will explore how the most recent movements of literary art are related via these four stages: The Beat poets (1940s-1950s), the Black Arts Movement (1970s-1980s) leading into the Hip Hop and Slam poets of recent years. We will use the links from this webquest http://slampoetrywebquest.weebly.com/index.html.

The Beat Poets

Black Arts Movement

Hip Hop
and Slam Poetry Movement
Changed Directions for the Webquest:
  1. Use the links in the process page to find information on the three time periods above.
  2. You will need to create a timeline. I suggest using the "Timeline Eons" app (free) or you could use  Timeglider.com or tiki-toki.com (both are free websites). A prezi would work too. You must create a graphic Timeline to get an A. Timelines created in Notability are probably more in the B or C range. 
  3. This is a 50 point assignment covering the last bit of info on your final. To get full credit you must have at least 25 bullet points on the timeline with at least 5 images. The quality of your work will be graded using the rubric on the "Evaluation" Tab of the webquest.
  4. The slam poem at the end of the webquest is optional (only do it if you want to use it for your final).
  5. Due at the end of Block Day.

HW: Find or write a 20-line poem to recite for your final. Feel free to look at the Final Rubric and Directions sheet on Focus. You must decide on your poem and submit the lyrics/words by Monday 5/12.