Monday 9/23

Today we begin preparing to read Lord of the Flies, one of my favorite classics!

First, get on Subtext and join my group.
  •   In lower, right-hand corner, click on "Join Group."
  •    Enter code: VQXGRSEG
  •    Now you should have a digital copy of the book.

Second, choose three of the statements below and write a quick explanation of whether or not you agree/disagree. 

Write your answers in Notability and then copy them to the assignment on Focus called "Stranded Behavior."

1.      Being stranded on a tropical island would be paradise.

2.      Children can naturally organize themselves.

3.      Our environment can greatly impact the course of our lives.

4.      Leaders rarely dominate weaker people.

5.      People tend to follow a charismatic leader.

6.      People often misjudge things they don’t understand.

7.      Children act differently from grown-ups.

8.      There is usually a clear-cut winner in most conflicts.

9.      If I were stranded in a plane crash, I would stay with the group.

10.   In the same plane crash, if one person was injured with a broken leg, I would help him/her get food.

HW: Nope. As a general rule, if you should choose to read ahead, do not give away any parts of the book to your classmates.