Friday 8/30 Know Your Roots!

Today we will play a game to practice using Greek and Roman roots in vocabulary. This is very helpful in SAT preparation.

First, find your team.

The Rules of the Game:
  1. Brainstorm as many words as possible that include the give word root. You will have a time limit of one minute.
  2. When time is up, no writing!
  3. Group with most words will read off their list.
  4. Any group sharing a word will speak up. If a word is shared, all parties must mark that word off the list.
  5. Anyone with an unshared word will check to see if others have it. 
  6. Group with most unshared words wins the round.
  7. NOTE: if a group believes you've created a word, they are welcome to call you out for a definition. If you cannot provide one, you will not get the point. 
  8. Winner of most rounds gets a free late homework pass.

Homework: Nope!

Thursday 8/29 Testing CHECK!

Today we will take the STAR Reading test. We take this test at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year to see how well your reading skills have improved each year. Please take the test to the very best of your ability.

Testing Directions:

1. Teacher opens the testing window.
     >Open the STAR App
     >Select “Connect to Renaissance Place”
     >Enter “MVCS-13YR” in the box that says “Renaissance Place URL”
     >Select “Join” where the “Enter” key usually is on your keyboard
     >Select “Share my settings”
     The next screen says: “Now sharing your settings as: Your first name’s iPad”

2. Student gains access to testing window.
     >Students open their STAR Apps
     >Select “Connect to Renaissance Place”
     >Enter “MVCS-13YR” in the box that says “Renaissance Place URL”
     >Select “Join” where the “return” key usually is on the keyboard
     >Select “Find Settings”
     >The next screen says: “Choose settings from:” – students should select your name
     >Select “Done”

3. Student enters login info.
     >Username: first initial of first name and the first four letters of last name.
                         *If they are a resident student with an American name, they are to use their birth name.
                         *If there are less than four letters in their last name, it will be their entire last name.
     >Password: password

NOTE: Once the student is logged in, they should see their name in the gray bar at the top of the     screen If the wrong student name appears, it may mean the student mistyped or shares a similar login name with another student. Have student try again by logging out, retyping user name or having student use same user name with the number “1” at the end. Example – Mustang1 instead of Mustang.

    >Once you gain access, select the READING test.

NOTE: If you get randomly logged off during testing, simply log back in and the test should pick up where the student left off.

4. When the test is completed, student must log out.
     >Select “Settings” to stop sharing your iPad.

Wednesday 8/28 Complete Posters!

First - Download STAR Testing app
  1. Go to Apps Store
  2. Enter “Renaissance Learning” in the search box.
  3. Choose the STAR app for download
Second - Complete your poster with ALL info listed on yesterday's blog. 

Grading Rubric

  1. Poster Includes both names?        +4
  2. 3 words from your god/dess?       +6
  3. Origin is explained?                      +5
  4. God of ______ explained?           +5
  5. Associated symbols?                     +5
  6. Favorite Story?                              +5
  7. Related Bible Story?                     +5
  8. Creativity/Quality                          +15
                                                    Total = ____

Tuesday 8/27 - Create God/Goddess Posters

 At the bell.... get into your groups and get needed poster paper and supplies.

Your poster MUST include:
  1.  Large print of both the Greek and Roman names of your god/goddess.
  2. Images that represent your god/goddess.
  3. The names of you and your partners and period number. (Write them very small, on the front of the poster in the lower right hand corner please.)
  4. Information:
  • What is the basic origin and history of this Olympian?
  • What is the god or goddess associated with (wine, fertility, war, death, grain, a certain planet, an occupation, etc...)?
  • What symbols usually attend this god or goddess (eagle, thunderbolt, winged shoes, etc...)?
  • Explain a favorite story in which the god or goddess is the main star.
  • Next, search the scriptures: Fine a verse, passage, or story from the Bible that relates to a story from your god or goddess (perhaps the moral is similar: perhaps it is opposite; perhaps the story appears to be a modified reflection of a story in the Bible.) Record a brief explanation of the match you found. 
  • Lastly, find at least THREE modern words (or word roots) that relate to your god/goddess. Include that word or root and its definition on your poster.  

Unit: Greek Mythology

EQ: What do we have to gain by knowing and understanding the ancient stories and worldview behind Greek Mythology?

Monday 8/26: What's up with those Olympians anyway?

At the bell... Begin a new section of notes in Notability to hold information about the Greeks and Mythology; then start your first journal.

  • Journal 1: What advantages does an English student gain from studying mythology? 
                           You may use your notes or the web to help you get ideas. (5-10 sentences)
  • Discuss J1 and add to your notes (they will be of advantage to you later).   

Group Research Day
Collect notes on one Olympian.
  • What is the basic origin and history of this Olympian?
  • What is the god or goddess associated with (wine, fertility, war, death, grain, a certain planet, an occupation, etc...)?
  • What symbols usually attend this god or goddess (eagle, thunderbolt, winged shoes, etc...)?
  • Explain a favorite story in which the god or goddess is the main star.
Gods to choose from:
  1. Zeus (aka Jupiter, Jove)
  2. Hera (Juno)
  3. Poseidon (Neptune)
  4. Dionysus (Bacchus)
  5. Apollo (Apollo)
  6. Artemis (Diana)
  7. Hermes (Mercury)
  8. Athena (Minerva)
  9. Ares (Mas)
  10. Aphrodite (Venus)
  11. Hephaestus (Vulcan)
  12. Demeter (Ceres)
 HW: Olympian Notes

Welcome to Sophomore English!

This will be the site where you can view everything that happens in our class on a daily basis. 
Go ahead and save this site to your ipad home screen!
>open internet app.
>box with arrow
>"Add to Home Screen."
> Now your home screen should have an icon that takes you right to our class blog.

What apps will you need for this class?
The usual suspects.... Pages, Notability, iMovie, and Keynote.
And a few helpful free apps... 
*Google Drive (to help you save your docs)
*Subtext (to help you read material online with the ability to take notes and share ideas as you read).

Here is a quick rundown of our schedule for the next seven days....
Thursday (40 min) - First Challenge: The Marshmallow Experiment
Friday (25 min) - Intro to class
Monday (45 min) - Group Exploration of a specific app.
Tuesday (45min) - Take True Colors Personality Test & find similarities with your "color mates."
Wednesday (45 min) -Learn more about your own True Colors
Thursday or Friday (90 min) -Learn more about how your color affects the way you learn.

Thursday 8/15
 The Marshmallow Experiment ~ Directions
  • Build the Tallest Freestanding Structure: The winning team is the one that has the tallest structure measured from the table top surface to the top of the marshmallow. That means the structure cannot be suspended from a higher structure, like a chair, ceiling or chandelier. 
  • The Entire Marshmallow Must be on Top: The entire marshmallow needs to be on the top of the structure. Cutting or eating part of the marshmallow disqualifies the team.   
  • Use as Much or as Little of the Kit: The team can use as many or as few of the 20 spaghetti sticks, as much or as little of the string or tape. The team cannot use the paper bag as part of their structure. 
  • Break up the Spaghetti, String or Tape: Teams are free to break the spaghetti, cut up the tape and string to create new structures. 
  • The Challenge Lasts 18 minutes: Teams cannot hold on to the structure when the time runs out. Those touching or supporting the structure at the end of the exercise will be disqualified.

Friday 8/16

EQ: What is the most shocking or interesting thing I learned about a classmate today?

1. Write your name in large print on a name plate.

2. Play Two Truths and a Lie
Directions: Come up with an intriguing fact about yourself. Then come up with another true fact and a lie in the same category.  On a note card under your name and period number, write them out as a multiple choice question in which one answer is not true and two are. My category would be daring things I have done....
for example:
A. I have gone sky diving.
B. I have gone bungee jumping. 
C. I have gone white water rafting.

Monday 8/19

Explore the Apps...
Advisory - Digital Citizenship
P.2 Pages
P.3 Keynote
P.4 iMovie
P.5 Notability
P.6 Set up Google Drive
P.7 Set up Google Drive
Assignment: Create a business letter that tells me about the things you love and hate in life. Make sure it has illustrations and a title! Turn it in on focus.

Can you...
  • Find a template for a business letter or resume?
  • Find the pages help link?
  • Create a new document?
  • Find an old document?
  • Move an image or twist it with two fingers?
  • Add a bullet?
  • Add a basic shape graphic?
  • Add an image from your camera?
  • Create a table?
  • Email your document?
  • Get your word count?
  • Change your margins?
Assignment: Create a 6 slide presentation that teaches me about you...maybe your summer or the three things you love and the three things you hate? Be creative! Turn it in on Focus.
  • Use the getting started is very interactive.
Assignment: Create a quick clip or trailer that teaches me about you...maybe about your summer or your interests, etc...
  • Do you know where to start a new project? 
  • What is the difference between a Project and a Trailer?
Google Drive
Assignment: Create a quick word document with a paragraph about yourself, then share it with me and a classmate. Then transfer that document to your assignment in Focus for a grade. 
  • Do you already have a google email? 
  •  Can you write simultaneously on the same document as your classmate?
Tuesday 8/20
At the bell...go to Focus and complete 2 of the 4 journal questions under the title, "Before you take the True Colors Test."

Take the True Colors Test by using Notability to write your answers on a pdf of the test, which you can access here.

Then report your answers on the correct Google Form for your period:
p.2 Colors 
p.3 Colors
p.4 Colors
p.6 Colors
p.7 Colors
Wednesday 8/21
At the bell.. go to Notability and set up a new "Category" for English 2 and a new "Subject" for True Colors. Create a new Note called "My True Colors" and record these three prompts:
  1. My dominant color is ____________, and the descriptions that fit me are... (you may list the traits you like from the power point).  
  2. My secondary color is _____________, and the descriptions that fit me are... (you may list the traits you like from the power point). 
  3. As I learned about the colors I am not, I can see specific traits that are completely opposite from me.. (list 5-10 traits). 
Today we will view a Power Point presentation explaining the colors. Jot down the answers to the three prompts above as you listen and watch. The presentations can be viewed at any time on Focus.

Turn in your answers to Focus under "My True Colors Are..." Make sure you put your name and period number in the title of your assignment.

Optional extra Credit - 5 pts: Download the blank form again and test a teacher assigned to you by Mrs. West.
Thursday/Friday 8/22-23
At the bell...If you tested a teacher, record the results on the correctly colored paper and tape it to the white board. Everyone needs to open a new note in Notability under "True Colors" called "True Colors and my learning style." 

Group Brainstorm: Create groups of 2-3people in which each of you has the same dominant color. Together, brainstorm specific learning activities or methods. Record at least five activities that work for your color. Then record at least three that are a challenge for your color. Be ready to report out. 

View a Power Point presentation explaining the how a student might feel in the classroom based on the teacher's color. Continue your notes with these prompts:
  • I think a ___________(insert color) teacher matches my learning style because....
  • I think a ___________(insert color) teacher might be challenge my learning style because...
  • Some adaptation strategies I could use are...
Written Response
Write a one page analysis essay about your classes so far. Considering what you've learned about your personality and learning style, which teacher appears to be an easy fit for your learning style? Why? Which teacher presents the most challenging environment for your learning style and why? What part strengths will you use to meet the challenges presented? Write 1/2 page explaining both environments.