Wednesday 5/13 ~ Have you memorized your poem?

Class check in: How is it going with memorizing? Any new tricks to share? Have you thought the tone or interpretation you want to give to your own poem? 

For those who are going tomorrow, be read to answer these two questions: 
1. What inspired the author to write this poem (even if it's you)?
2. Why did you choose to perform this work?


Is it clear that you actually understand your poem? Does your tone match the jokes, the meaning, etc...?
  • You must understand the poem fully. Be attentive to the messages, meanings, allusions, irony, tones of voice, and other nuances in your poem. If your poem has a joke
  • Be sure you know the meaning of every word and line in your poem.


This category is to evaluate the degree to which the recitation has become more than the sum of its parts.
  • Did you captivate the audience with the language of the poem? 
  • Did you bring the audience to a better understanding of the poem? 
  • Did your physical presence, voice and articulation, and dramatic appropriateness all seem on target and unified to breathe life into the poem? 
  • Did you understand and show mastery of the art of recitation?