Monday 3/10 ~ How can you see a theme develop over the course of the novel?

  • Is your rubric finished? (10 pts.)
  • Are you ready for your project conference with me? 
  • Do you know what you need to do/get/bring for your project on block day?
  • Do you know that the schedule is different from the usual block day (reversed)?

You will be working in small groups while I conference with individuals about projects. 

1. Upload the document called "Track THE MEssage" from Focus.
2. Create groups of 1-3 people. Solo is okay. Four is not.
3. Follow the worksheet and fill it out as completely as possible.
4. At the end of the period, make sure you have recorded all group members at the top of the first page and have ONE person email me your finished document.
5. Be prepared to explain your diagram to the class tomorrow.

NOTE: There is no single right answer for the plot diagram. The only way to get the "right answer" is to be able to defend HOW the theme is introduced, developed and resolved through the course of the novel.