Block Day 3/27-28 ~ What are the 6 T.H.E.M.E.S. in debate?

First, take the quiz on Focus called "Persuasion Quiz."
*After you finish the quiz, upload the worksheet called THEMES from focus and read the article there.

THEMES is an acronym for the 6 areas you can use to look for arguments. By knowing these 6 areas, you will make sure that you have thoroughly searched for all the possible angles of an issue. See worksheet called THEMES on Focus.

Time     Does it save people time?
Health      Does it allow people to be physically or mentally healthier?
Education    Does it enable people to become better educated?
Money             Does it save people money?
Environment      Does it help the environment (physical or social)?
Safety                  Does it keep people safer?

Use the THEMES Worksheet to analyze the article for each "angle" or topic.

Independent Practice: Chose an article of your choice from Upfront Magazine. Copy and paste the link below for a list of similarly structured articles. Analyze this article as modeled in class by filling out the second half of the THEMES Worksheet.

HW: Complete ALL of the THEMES Worksheet.