Wednesday 2/19 ~ What do you need to know before the author comes?

Take advantage of Feb Week!

  1. What assignments are you missing in this class due to absences? Do them! 
  2. Get Extra Credit!
  • The author is coming on Tuesday! What do you think students need to know about the book in order to speak intelligently with her. 
  • Option 1: Watch Youtube videos about the author, Reyna Grande. Based on what you view, brainstorm at least 5 questions to ask her when she visits (5 E.C. points). 
  • Option 2: Skim the rest of the book and come up with 5 good questions to ask the author        (10 E.C. points).
  • Option 3: Skim the rest of the book and create a keynote presentation explaining the basic story line of either Adelina OR Juana from page 170-the end. Present that keynote to the students on Monday, explaining what they need to know before the author comes on Tuesday (20-30 points).