Monday, October 27 ~ Background Info on Immigration

Today we begin learning the background information for our new book, Across a Hundred Mountains.

*During this unit, you will need to keep notes in one document, eventually to be turned in and used in future assignments. Make that note right now in Notability and call it "The Immigration Debate." Start these notes with a these Journal questions below.

Journal ONE

EQ-A: What do you already know about the issue of Mexican-American Immigration? 

EQ-B: Is the U.S. responsible to help people in need from other countries? 

Continue your journal as you view a quick intro video from the BBC.

Now finish your journal by recording your score to this quiz to see how much you really know about the issue (Don't worry, it's not for a grade, just to open our eyes about the complexity of the issue).

HW: Journal 2 & Buy book (Across a Hundred Mountains ISBN 978-0-7432-6958-2)

Journal 2: Talk to your parents or any other adult about immigration. Record their thoughts on the issue.