Block Day 1/30-31 ~ Which Lit.Log choice will you do?

Go over Lit.Log
*Make sure you label it with which choice you are answering!

Read the book to page 31.

HW: Finish Lit.Log and questions. Upload Lit. Log into Focus box. 

Wednesday 1/29 ~ Who are Juana and Adelina?

Does anyone need to turn in their AWC?

Warm-up: Fill out the first column called "My Experience" in the Compare/Contrast Matrix chart.

Begin reading the novel in class.

HW: Fill out all questions from the reading in class on your "100 Mountains" document.

Tuesday 1/28 ~ Turn in AWC! Did you get your peer editors?

1. Turn in your AWC! Please staple the rubric to the back.
2. Begin by watching a video of Reyna Grande, the author of our next book. Click here.
    *What questions come to mind after watching her interview.
3. Begin working on Across a Hundred Mountains.

Monday 1/27 ~ EQ: Are you ready to turn in your AWC assignment?

Good Morning!

How did it go with the AWC?

Use this link if you haven't downloaded it from focus already: AWC Rubric

First, make sure you have the rubric pulled up on your ipad. Write your name on it.

Round 1: Check your own paper for formatting (headers, titles, margins, drop indents, alphabetized)

Round 2: Trade ipads with a partner & check formatting for citations. Fill out rubric

Round 3: Trade with a new person and check formatting for annotation.
                 *Did the writer answer all three questions in each?
                 *Is the annotation proofread and free of run-on sentences?

Begin Across a Hundred Mountains if time. 

HW: Turn in AWC Final Draft Tomorrow!

Block Day 1/23-24 ~ Research Day

1. Go over Rubric (see "Annotated Works Cited" Rubric on Focus).
2. Go over Research Tips Hand Out (also on Focus as "Research Tips").
3. Independent Research time:
  • 20 points - Participation Credit (Credit is earned if I see you researching the whole time rather than becoming digitally distracted, etc...)
  • Goal: Finish at least 5 articles OR all citations.
  • Complete Rough Draft is due on Monday.
HW: Rough Draft (10 sources) ~ No credit for Notability Docs. (only Word, Pages, or hard copy)

Wednesday 1/15 ~ Imm.History Presentations

1. Take 5 minutes to prepare presentations.
  • All presentations must have a visual.
2.  Presentations/Note Taking

3. Brainstorm: What key questions can we ask to figure out the history between 2000-2014?

HW: Study for Quiz on Block Day (Vocab. & History Questions).

Tuesday 1/14 ~ Immigration Track Record

1. Review Vocabulary
2. Ask Questions about the Data
3. Jigsaw Read - In groups of 3, you will read, record and present a piece of the history.

       You will need:
  • a Reader - to read to the others as they record
  • an Artist - to create a graphic timeline
  • a Note Taker - to record Push/Pull factors on the chart
HW: Study vocabulary and reading notes. Quiz tomorrow!

Want to see this reading info at home? Click here and select the Mexican Immigration pdf at the bottom of the page. 

Monday 1/3 ~ Immigration Track Record

First, go upload the document from Focus called "Immigration Track Record 1900-1999."

Today we will begin one of three days of background information before beginning our research project and eventually our book. 

  • First, using the document, walk around the room and record the definitions for each vocabulary word. 
  • Next, work in small groups to create graphs of each data set. 
  • Tomorrow, we will read about the history in a nutshell. 

HW: Review the vocab. We will have a little quiz!

Wednesday, Jan 8

First, THANK YOU for getting a stellar review on the sub report. That is always greatly appreciated!

Today, we read our Ring poems to small groups within the class. Your goal is to create a "Mash-up" poem by combining a stanza from each person in the group to form one new poem.
*Groups must be limited to 3-4 people each.
*Make sure your group give the new poem a new, creative title.
*Elect one person from the group to share the new poem with the class.
*Elect one person to beautifully pen the new poem with title and author names (to be turned in at the end of class.

Hopefully we will get to have a group poetry slam.
If you like it, give it your snaps!

Welcome Back! Monday 1/6

Warm-up: Vacation Post-it note trivia - Guess Who!

Watch Video about Zina Lahr
*How is she fully alive?
*What kinds of things hold people back from living a full life?

Read Poem: Ring Bells, Wild Bells by Alfred Lord Tennyson
*What is he hoping to ring out of his life? In?
*What do you personally hope to ring out of and in to your life?

HW: Write your own poem about what you'd like to "ring out" and "ring in" this year.
Your poem must be at least 12 lines (divided into 3 stanzas).
It may rhyme if you like.